2Censor - Abrasive Wear SensorsIn the MediaCase StudiesCompany BlogIn the MediaCase StudiesCompany BlogClient Login HomeWear Sensors2C-Probe2C-Strip2C-MillTechnologyAbout UsHomeWear Sensors2C-Probe2C-Strip2C-MillTechnologyAbout UsCONTACT USHomeWear Sensors2C-Probe2C-Strip2C-MillTechnologyAbout UsHomeWear Sensors2C-Probe2C-Strip2C-MillTechnologyAbout UsCONTACT US ABRASIVE WEAR MONITORINGWEAR SENSORSView our complete Abrasive Wear Sensor range.CONTACT US PRODUCT PORTFOLIO2C-PROBEOur original Patented Wear Sensor 2C-PROBE designed to solve a real world industry problem.Developed for internal pipe wear monitoring, and further integrated into chutes, hoppers, and bins.DISCOVER2C-STRIPThe Patented 2C-STRIP sensor was developed to eliminate the need of penetrating a wear plate or liner.Installed between wear plates, tiles, or liners.DISCOVER2C-MILLWe are excited to release our newest product, the2C-MILL. Real time monitoring of mill liners using our Patented technology to provide dataon the internal wear of Sag / Ball Mills.DISCOVER